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Beauty Minimalist: 3 Products for the End of Summer

By Melissa Federico, LE and Beauty Writer Enjoy every last day of your golden summer tan by amplifying your look with minimal effort. The key to looking like you have on makeup and being simultaneously carefree is with strategic multipurpose products and a minimalistic, laissez-faire approach. We think you’ll find this particularly appealing during a

Alumni Spotlight, XM Hair Studio

What do you get when you cross an amazing couple with an inspiring message of love, strength and determination when running your own business? You get Xavier and Michelle White, the owners of XM Hair Studio, that’s what! You might recognize this power couple, that’s because they graduated from Federico Beauty Institute (TOGETHER) only months

Brittney and Her Amazing Technicolor Dream Hair

Everyone that knows me is aware of my obsession with rainbow hair so when I noticed a student around campus who changed her hair color more often than I do, I had to know who she was. Brittney B., who is now a Federico Alumni, will forever be known to me (and most likely others

2017 Winter Graduation

This past Saturday I got to attend my very first Graduation Ceremony at Federico. Our ballroom was filled with families and friends of the 2017 Winter Graduates and everyone was overcome with excitement and emotion. Typically when I leave any other graduation I feel exhausted and just happy that it’s over but not this time.

Beard Talk with Dustin

A lot of men are ditching the razor and opting for a full, scruffy beard. Some women like a clean shaved gentleman, but others (including myself) are begging their significant others to rock a kick ass beard instead. When I met my boyfriend, Kevin, close to 2 years ago, he had a mustache and a

Federico Symposium

This week we held our 16th annual Federico Symposium. This is an event our students and alumni look forward to all year. The students got the chance to meet with local salons, shops and spas to network, check out career opportunities and also get product knowledge from our suppliers. We kicked the day off with