This week we held our 16th annual Federico Symposium. This is an event our students and alumni look forward to all year. The students got the chance to meet with local salons, shops and spas to network, check out career opportunities and also get product knowledge from our suppliers. We kicked the day off with
Author: Da'Reen Roberts
Chalk It Up 2017
In the past, Federico has participated in our local Chalk it Up event located at Fremont park in Downtown Sacramento. Usually, we just provided free hair chalking but this year we added a free braid bar to help keep attendees nice and cool during the three-day event. Our students had a great time interacting with
Alumni Advice
We have heard it time and time again during graduation speeches, “If I could go back, one thing I would do differently while in school was…” But what about once you are licensed? What are things you know now that you would tell yourself as a student? We got the chance to ask a few of our
Matty Conrad visits Federico
Schwarzkopf artist, Matty Conrad joined us for an evening Gala where the platform artist presented several pre-done men’s contemporary haircuts, as well as an on-stage demo. He also taught a contemporary barbering class. Drawing heavily from inspirations of the past, attendees learned to create classic looks while growing technical cutting and styling skills. If you
Sacramento Zombie Walk
This year we got the chance to perform SFX makeup services for the West Campus High School Marching Band for the 16th Annual Sacramento Zombie Walk. We love any chance to break out liquid latex and fake blood but before we did, we wanted to make sure our students were prepared to transform 70+ band
2016 summer graduation
In the past year few years, we have upped our graduation ceremonies from clocking out in the hallway to now, a grand graduation in our ballroom. Our Alumni Services Coordinator Alex G. has gone above and beyond to make these graduations special for our alumni. When you walk into the ballroom, you immediately notice the