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Winter-Proof Your Body

As Californians, we’ve grown accustomed to the luxury of never having seasons. So it’s to be expected that when winter actually happens, we’re all at a bit of a loss as to how to deal. I don’t know about you, but when I try to blink, my eyelids feel like they’re about to crack and

Holiday Hair Trends at Federico

Halloween is officially over, and you know what that means! IT’S TIME FOR CHRISTMAS! Sorry, Thanksgiving. Inspired by our recent Homeroom with Schwartzkopf Professional and Joey Foglio, we rounded up some of this year’s best holiday trends so that you can wow them at the parties this year. Be sure to call us to book

The Top 10 Nail Trends All At Once

Have you ever been curious about all the different nail trends that seem to be popping up these days? We know we have been! That’s why we jumped at the chance to host beauty blogger, Molly Hawkins of Cambio, on her epic adventure to try 10 of the leading nails trends all at once. Thank


by Tera Thorne We all want to feel passion for what we do, but no one really tells us how to go about finding it. Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple computers, once said “The only way to do great work is to love what you do… Don’t settle.” While that sounds great, he assumes

The Thin Line between Love and Respect

by Tera Thorne In the service industry it can be incredibly difficult to walk the line between providing excellent customer service and just being taken advantage of. Especially when first starting out. We tend to bend to the will of our clients because we need them to pay the bills.  Finding the perfect balance can be

Respect. Inspire. Create.

The intention of RIC is to have the students think beyond the 4 walls of their school, to remind them of their passion and to share in a common enthusiasm for our culture and industry. While students are in school they get so bogged down by the day-to-day tasks that they sometimes forget about what