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Maria C. is the Café Fed Manager and has been with Federico for 8 years now. In that time she has worn many hats. She has also grown and changed along with the Federico Beauty Institute. We sat down to find out a little bit more about her! JNS:  Hi Maria! Thank you so much

Student Spotlight: Ebony R. Cosmetology Student

STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Ebony R. Instagram: @Littlemzeverythang By: JanyNicole Stehman Ebony is a current Cosmetology student and so far in her time here she has made Student Ambassador and Student of the Month.  She always offers help when needed and is also a talented local clothing designer. We sat down to chat about her time at

Federico 2015 Year in Review

2015 has come to a close, and it was by far one of our best years yet! This last year was jam packed full of events and new programs. We started out the year working with Sacramento Fashion Week, doing hair and makeup for all their runway shows. We even hosted the Emerging Artist show

Staff Spotlight: Katie Max

JNS: KATIE! Thank you so much for speaking with me today! Let’s get down to the nitty gritty. What made you want to work for Federico and what is your official position here? KM: When I started working for Federico, I got a job in the Café, so in all honesty I was just looking

Student Spotlight: Julia C. Esthetics Student

STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Julia C. Instagram: @julia_damian By: JanyNicole Stehman Julia is a current Esthetics student and Student Ambassador as well as the former Alumni Services Coordinator here at Federico Beauty Institute. We sat down to chat about how she’s enjoying her journey here. JNS: How big is the difference between working here and being a

The Holidays at Federico Beauty Institute

The holidays are upon us and that means it’s time again for all of Federico to give back to the community! Every year staff and students at Federico participate in a ton of community outreach events to help spread holiday cheer. To kick things off, we gave haircuts to the homeless in partnership with Project SafeGround