Halloween at Federico is always fun. This year we decided to host a trick or treating day for the kids of Mustard Seed. We asked students and staff to donate new or lightly used costumes for the kids to pick from. The generosity of our students and staff blew us away. During the three-week collection
Federico Outreach
Chalk It Up 2017
In the past, Federico has participated in our local Chalk it Up event located at Fremont park in Downtown Sacramento. Usually, we just provided free hair chalking but this year we added a free braid bar to help keep attendees nice and cool during the three-day event. Our students had a great time interacting with
Sacramento Zombie Walk
This year we got the chance to perform SFX makeup services for the West Campus High School Marching Band for the 16th Annual Sacramento Zombie Walk. We love any chance to break out liquid latex and fake blood but before we did, we wanted to make sure our students were prepared to transform 70+ band
First Festival
This weekend we were out at Sacramento’s 2nd annual First Festival. Located at Southside Park in Downtown Sacramento, the two day festival featured 40+ bands. Music genres included reggae, metal, rap-rock, indie, country and medieval fable-folk. We set up shop next to the beautiful Cloud Parade stage. Our cosmetology and esthetics students offered a few different types of
Visiting Maryhouse
This Monday, Federico students spent their day off cutting hair for the women of Maryhouse. Maryhouse is an extension of the Loaves and Fishes of Sacramento and is often considered a place for starting over. These women are often young, without family support of any kind, and often dealing with issues of domestic violence, mental illness, evictions and
Federico Outreach April Recap
April was a month full of events and career fairs! Our Federico Outreach manager, Tammy L., was in the greater Sacramento area with our students doing everything from cuts and styling to fashion shows.Crocker Art Museum had a party themed “Studio 54” and invited Federico students to host a 70’s themed eye shadow bar. Esthetic student