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Advanced Education Overload!

This weekend our students had the opportunity to attend Cosmoprof’s annual Spring Style show in San Jose, CA. The two day show had over 80 exhibitors in attendance. Our students had the chance to attend over 70 advanced education classes and live demos. A few of our students even had the chance to be live

The Hair Doc is in…

Last week Federico Beauty Institute had the honor of hosting a segment with the Hair Doctor from GoodDay Sacramento. She teamed up with creators of the Kevin Murphy Color.ME line to challenge a handful of our cosmetology students to a competition that would be aired live on GoodDay Sacramento. What was the challenge you ask?

Sacramento Fashion Week 2016: Emerging Next

For the second year, We had the honor of hosting the Sacramento Fashion Week: Emerging Next show. For the event,  Federico Beauty Institute closes the floor off from clients and let designers, models, and artists take over to transform our space. Duane Ram, the producer of Sac Fashion Week,  continually goes above and beyond to

Federico Makeover Challenge

This week the entire school participated in a makeover challenge. The twelve teams of students had two days to give a color, cut, and style makeover to two models from their team. It was a rare opportunity for students of all levels to come together and show off their creative side. For the first day

Sacramento Fashion Week 2016 Opening

This Sunday marked the launch of Sacramento Fashion Week. This year is the 10th anniversary of Sacramento Fashion Week and they kicked everything off with a press preview party and boutique show at the Sacramento Auto Museum. This year’s boutique show featured several local favorites, including Identity Boutique, Krazy Mary’s and Retrospective Vintage.  There was


Maria C. is the Café Fed Manager and has been with Federico for 8 years now. In that time she has worn many hats. She has also grown and changed along with the Federico Beauty Institute. We sat down to find out a little bit more about her! JNS:  Hi Maria! Thank you so much