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For 5 years now, Federico has participated in The American Cancer Society’s walk, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. The 5k walk helps raise funds to assist in the cost of breast cancer research; provide free, comprehensive information and support to those touched by breast cancer. This year Federico will be walking under the name #teamanne2015,

New Barber Transfers

Our first class of licensed cosmetology students started in our Barber program this week! They will be attending for 240 hours in order to receive their Barbering license. The program consists of training in straight razor shaves and classic to contemporary Barbering techniques. It builds upon the knowledge they already have as experienced Cosmetologists and tailor

Educator Spotlight: Ms. April P.

JNS: First off April, let me say how glad we all are to have you here as part of the Federico family. What made you want to work for Federico? AP: Being an Educator is not always about having a fixed agenda and being rigid, but about being flexible, fluid, and willing to experiment. It’s about

Federico Salon Symposium 2015

On September 15th we hosted our 15th annual Salon Symposium. Over the years our Salon Symposium has grown exponentially. It started out with the intention of strengthening the local hair community, bringing together local salons and salon professionals to network with our students. This would allow students to meet with future employers in a setting

Chalk It Up!

This last Labor Day weekend was the 25th annual Chalk it Up, and you know what that means! Federico was out on the square getting down on some hair!  Chalk It Up is an annual free chalk-art and music festival, allowing local artists and businesses to create temporary art on the sidewalks around Fremont Park. The

The 15th Annual Salon Symposium

On September 15th Federico will be hosting the 15th Annual Federico Salon Symposium. Last year’s symposium was a huge success, featuring stage shows by DJ Muldoon and Douglas McCoy, Goldwell, Arrojo, and AJF Salon and this year we plan on going even bigger! This year’s lineup includes presentations by Jamie Rourke of Schwartzkopf Professional, doing