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The Trendiest Prom Hairstyles

It’s Prom time!! Everyone that knows me knows how much I love this time of year. I went to Prom 10 years ago but I’ll never forget the excitement leading up to the big day. From picking out my dress to getting my hair done, Junior Prom and Senior Ball are two of my favorite

Alumni Spotlight, XM Hair Studio

What do you get when you cross an amazing couple with an inspiring message of love, strength and determination when running your own business? You get Xavier and Michelle White, the owners of XM Hair Studio, that’s what! You might recognize this power couple, that’s because they graduated from Federico Beauty Institute (TOGETHER) only months

Casual 4 A Cause

Around here, we all have to follow a dress code. Although the students have it a bit worse than the staff and educators do, sometimes we all just want to throw on a pair of jeans. All of our cosmetologists, barbers and estheticians are only allowed to wear black and white so you can imagine

Student Ambassador Photos Are In

The wait is officially over! The Student Ambassador photos are in and I must say our students should be extremely proud of themselves. Only two Ambassadors participated this time around so they were able to shoot multiple styles on their models. Once again, I’m blown away by the work our students are producing. Patty and

RIC Star, Ms. Tera is #lifegoals

You may know Ms. Tera as the Educational Systems Manager, but around here we know her as the Rock star woman that is insanely passionate about making sure our students are successful. Her door is always open and she makes it a point to answer all questions and concerns that any of our students may

Brittney and Her Amazing Technicolor Dream Hair

Everyone that knows me is aware of my obsession with rainbow hair so when I noticed a student around campus who changed her hair color more often than I do, I had to know who she was. Brittney B., who is now a Federico Alumni, will forever be known to me (and most likely others