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Alumni Advice

We have heard it time and time again during graduation speeches, “If I could go back, one thing I would do differently while in school was…”  But what about once you are licensed? What are things you know now that you would tell yourself as a student? We got the chance to ask a few of our

Matty Conrad visits Federico

Schwarzkopf artist, Matty Conrad joined us for an evening Gala where the platform artist presented several pre-done men’s contemporary haircuts, as well as an on-stage demo. He also taught a contemporary barbering class. Drawing heavily from inspirations of the past, attendees learned to create classic looks while growing technical cutting and styling skills. If you

2016 summer graduation

In the past year few years, we have upped our graduation ceremonies from clocking out in the hallway to now, a grand graduation in our ballroom. Our Alumni Services Coordinator Alex G. has gone above and beyond to make these graduations special for our alumni. When you walk into the ballroom, you immediately notice the

Visiting Maryhouse

This Monday, Federico students spent their day off cutting hair for the women of Maryhouse. Maryhouse is an extension of the Loaves and Fishes of Sacramento and is often considered a place for starting over. These women are often young, without family support of any kind, and often dealing with issues of domestic violence, mental illness, evictions and

Color Bleed Movement

One of the more popular hair trends this year is the Color Bleed. You can see this look on various celebrities like Kylie Jenner, Miranda Lambert and Katy Perry. The colored hair trend has transitioned! It is no longer just for the rebel teen. You can now spot it on basically every “IT” girl we