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Read our FAQs to get answers to your most common questions about your training at Federico Beauty Institute.

Q: Does the school have national accreditation?

A: Yes, Federico Beauty Institute is Nationally accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of
Career Arts & Sciences, Inc. (NACCAS).

Q: How many students are enrolled in each class?

A: There are 16 students in the Esthetics full-time, 16 in the Esthetics part-time, 16-24 in Cosmetology/Barber full-time, and 16-24 in Cosmetology/Barber part-time class.

Q: How quickly do the classes fill up?

A: There is no way for Federico Beauty Institute to determine how quickly the classes are going to be filled. The best way to ensure that you will get into the class that you want is to get all required paperwork in quickly after you test. There is never a guarantee that anyone will get into a class until they have gone through the entire enrollment process and paid their deposit.

Q: How are students prepared for the state licensure exam?

A: Students are given an intensive “State Board Preparation” that includes educator assistance and access to mock state board exams.

Q: Can you guarantee me a job when I graduate?

A: We cannot guarantee job placement, however we will certainly provide you with a first-rate education and job placement assistance throughout your career. You’ll be able to turn to Federico for support as long as the school is around.

Q: Are extracurricular activities available to students?

A: Federico Beauty Institute believes that valuable experience can be gleaned outside of the classroom. Access to extracurricular activities is given to students as they become available.

Q: What is the enrollment process like? How do I get started?

A: You need to contact an admissions advisor to begin the initial process for eventual enrollment.

Q: Do I need to have a high school diploma or G.E.D.?

A: To apply for financial aid you will need a high school diploma or G.E.D.

Q: What paperwork do I need to complete to enroll?

A: All the forms and information are on the document & financial aid checklist. That sheet is provided in your enrollment folder.

Q: What if I do not have a copy of my social security card or diploma?

A: You cannot meet with the financial advisor until you bring in all the required documents. You will need to apply for a new social security card at the social security administrative office. If you have lost your high school diploma you will need to bring in an official high school transcript in the original sealed envelope. Faxed or open transcripts will not be accepted.

Q: I do not live with my parents, am I still a dependent?

A: If you are under the age of 24, not married, have no children of your own, are not in the armed forces, and are not an orphan, you are considered a dependant regardless of whether or not your parents claim you on their taxes. If you are not sure of your dependency status fill our Step 3 in the FAFSA form. If you answer NO to the questions in that section and it tells you to go to Step 4 you are a dependant. We will then need your parent’s tax information to complete the financial aid process.

Q: Does the school offer financial aid? If so, what kind?

A: Yes, Federico offers financial aid. We provide a variety of tuition payment options, including state and federal student aid resources such as Pell grants, SEOG Grants, student/parent loans, and scholarships.

Q: Will Financial Aid cover everything?

A: Financial aid can certainly help with covering the costs of your tuition and supplies at Federico. However, financial aid is not set up to pay for everything. Based on your income reported to the department of education, an “estimated family contribution” is determined and is used to find the package that fits your needs. This package consists of three things: Grants (money you do not have to pay back), Subsidized Loans (0% interest loans backed by the government while in school and a grace period after) and Unsubsidized Loans (interest rate capped). [npcalc]

Q: How do I get a Financial Aid appointment?

A: You may schedule your Financial Aid appointment once you have submitted all Entrance Paperwork that is required. Please see Step 3 in the Enrollment Process and Requirements for a list of the Entrance Paperwork.

Q: When may I pay my enrollment deposit?

A: You may pay your deposit only after you have met with the Financial Advisor.