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First Chair Share

Whether they are spending the day with a celebrity stylist, attending a tradeshow or even just exploring the social + digital possibilities of marketing through Instagram; our students are constantly pushing the boundaries and immersing themselves in the professional beauty industry.

Recently Ashley N. and Vanessa T. were featured on, Modern Salon’s quarterly magazine for students and new stylists.

Ashley Nava_First Chair

By submitting  photos for print and web consideration,  they opened their work up to an international audience.    We couldn’t be more impressed with the drive and initiative these students have shown!

Vanessa T_ First Chair

Do you want to get your work featured in FIRST CHAIR or on


If you would like your photos to be considered for print, please submit them in JPEG, high-resolution (300 dpi). If you would like your photos considered for online, you can submit them in high-resolution or low-resolution (72 dpi).