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Have you met Da’Reen?

My name is Da’Reen (Duh-Reen), I’m a free spirited mommy, I believe in fairies and rainbow hair makes my world go round.  I got my Certificate in Fashion Illustration from American River College in 2011 after realizing I love fashion but hate to sew. I’m in the process of launching a line of T-shirts for quirky daughters everywhere.

When I was 18, I had this dream of becoming a super model. I auditioned for America’s Next Top Model, got a call back, went to LA, then was cut in the first round. That ended that dream but it’s still one of the most memorable moments of my life. I now do some hair modeling on the side which is awesome (I say awesome a lot) because, hello, free hair coloring.

I became a mommy at the age of 20 and my daughter is my biggest inspiration. Brezlynn is 7 years old but thinks she’s 13. Looking at her is like looking in a little mirror; she’s dramatic, goofy, and marches to the beat of her own drum.  She’s obsessed with Ironman and it was a huge coincidence that my boyfriend happens to be obsessed with Ironman as well. Marvel is huge in our home! I have that happy, corny little Hallmark family, if you’re ever wondering why I’m always smiling.

I’m pretty much always cold so when indoors, I wear lots of layers daily, no matter the weather. You’d probably be surprised that underneath all of these layers are a pretty significant amount of awesome tattoos. 14 of them to be exact. My favorite piece would probably be my tribute to my favorite song “If It’s Love” by Train which covers my entire right thigh.

I have a passion for all things crafty and beauty related and I am extremely excited to be the new Student Services Coordinator at Federico. If you need me, you can most likely find me in the admin office. I’ll be the one with the blue hair… for now.