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Quirky Beauty Products

Not only are beauty trends getting quirkier, but it seems as if the tools we use are getting funnier as well. We no longer have to rely on basic products to get ready in the morning (or the night before), we can now add a little humor to our routine. Below are six products that are all available on which the makers swear by, but I’ll let you be the judge.

Strawberry Rollers
Throw out those sponge rollers you’ve had forever and add a little sweetness to your day by curling your hair with strawberries! Leave them in overnight for bouncy curls by sunrise. You have to admit, they’re pretty adorable. You can find them here.

Bonnet Hair Dryer
All you gotta do is attach your hair dryer to the tube at the end of the bonnet that you strap to your head and BAM! dry hair. Any product that allows me to use little to no effort while I binge watch my favorite shows is an A+ in my book. Netflix and dry anyone? You can find this dryer here.

Bed Head Rock ‘n’ Roller
Laugh all you want but this curling iron gives you perfect, defined curls without the frizz. It comes in two sizes, Regular bubble and X-Large and comes with the glove to save your fingers from burns. The reviewers on Amazon can’t stop raving about it, some even swear that it’s the best styling tool they’ve ever owned. Sold! Get it here.

BeautyMarks Confetti
I’m not the biggest fan of faux freckles but I have to admit that Confetti by BeautyMarks makes me want those rainbow flakes all over my face. I think we’re all guilty of envying those born with beautiful freckles and now we get to join n on the fun. Well, kinda! You can find them here.

Lisli Lip Pump
This lip pump is rumored to take your lips from Jennifer Anniston to Jay-Z. I may or may not be exaggerating, but you know what I mean. You’ll have plumper lips in minutes. Get it here.

Gold Collagen Moisturizing Neck Lift Masks
Smooth out your wrinkles while looking like a million bucks! This neck lift not only gives your skin a firmer appearance, but also stimulates cell repair. You can find it here.