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Ms. Jasmine, Federico’s Newest RIC Star

I’m relatively new on campus and I’m still in the process of getting to know everyone. Esthetician Educator, Ms. Jasmine P. was announced as our next RIC Star and after sitting down with her for our interview, it became insanely obvious why she was chosen.  That woman is AWESOME! Ms. Jasmine’s laughter is infectious, her positivity is so pleasant, she absolutely loves what she does and I felt like I was catching up with one of my closest friends. If you ask around, they will tell you that Ms. Jasmine has admirable attendance, she is very approachable and is loved by every single one of her students.

DR: Were you excited to hear that you were chosen to be RIC Star? How did it make you feel?
JP: I was sitting there with a mouth full of cookie like “Oh that’s me!”

DR: What do you love the most about working here?
JP: I love that we’re a family! We are all here with the common goal of making the students successful.

DR: What’s something we don’t know about you?
JP: I was actually in the military for 5 years and everyone already knows that I have two kids that operate at 100 mph!

DR: What’s the toughest thing about your job?
JP: It’s hard to say because I love everything that I do here.

DR: If there was anything else you could do as a career, what would it be?
JP: I wanted to be an RN because I absolutely adore babies! I wanted to experience being around the mommies as they grow and glow.

DR: Before working at Federico, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
JP: I don’t know how unusual it is but it was annoying! In the military I had to sit around all day and wait for ammo shells to bring back to my post and melt them down. It was a pain!

DR: If there were a movie made about your life, who would you choose to play you?
JP: I really like Viola Davis and Kerry Washington.
*I would like to add that Jasmine’s doppelganger is Octavia Spencer and if it were up to me then that’s who I’d choose to play her!

DR: Do you recall any embarrassing moments at work?
JP: I tried to do a winged eyeliner in front of an Advanced Training class. There was nothing advanced about it.

DR: Do you have a favorite quote?
JP: “It is better to have and need than to need and not have.” My Dad used to tell me that all the time and it stuck with me.

DR: What children’s character can you relate to most? And why?
JP: Tasmanian Devil; I start my day at 6am and it doesn’t stop until 11pm.

If you have never had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Jasmine, do me a favor and say hello. I promise her presence has the power to make your day!