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RIC Star, Ms. Tera is #lifegoals

You may know Ms. Tera as the Educational Systems Manager, but around here we know her as the Rock star woman that is insanely passionate about making sure our students are successful. Her door is always open and she makes it a point to answer all questions and concerns that any of our students may have. Ms. Tera may have been shocked when it was announced that she had been chosen as RIC Star, but none of us were! RIC stands for respect, inspiration and creativity and if you ask me, she exudes every single one of those qualities on a daily basis. After our interview, it became extremely evident that she is not only an inspiration to all of us at Federico, but she leads a life full of adventure, excitement and laughter. Ms. Tera is basically the definition of #lifegoals!

DR: If you could pick one theme for Federico to turn into a book about the company, what would it be?
TT: How do you choose just one?  There’s romance, drama, rags to riches, not to mention the Federico’s as a family.  I think it’s more suited for reality TV.

DR: If you could switch your job with anyone else at Federico, whose job would you want?
TT: Educator. I got hired on as a Massage Therapy Educator and I loved loved loved it. There’s something really fulfilling about passing on what you know and seeing how it can affect and change lives.

DR: What is your proudest moment at Federico?
TT: Well being nominated for RIC feels pretty good.  It’s nice to know that other people see the hard work that you do and how you contribute to the team.  On a more personal level, I’d say the first time I spoke at a graduation ceremony.  I remember congratulating students who had a really hard time getting through school and who I worked with really closely to make sure that they completed.  It felt really good knowing that I helped them succeed.

DR: Any favorite line from a movie?
TT: “It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.”  Tyler Durton, Fight Club.  Super tantric approach to life and I dig it.  A lot.

DR: Can you describe what you were like at age 10?
TT: I was a total tomboy with a sassy little attitude.  My favorite hobby was playing laser tag with the kids on my block.  I went to Wrestle Mania for my birthday, played softball and basketball, and I was in love with NKOTB.  They were my first concert ~swoon~  I also had a habit of bossing my friends around.  I don’t know what was wrong with me!

DR: If given the chance, who would you like to be for a day?
TT: Amma, she’s an enlightened master that I traveled all around India with.  She gives hugs to millions and millions of people around the world every year and her hugs are said to be healing.  I love the idea of love being the ultimate form of healing.  Last time I got a hug from her I cried.  If I took her place for the day I would probably be crying on everyone.

DR: If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
TT: Juice.  I would drink my calories all day every day.  Its way easier than eating.  That or bread and butter.  If I wasn’t allowed to vary my juices then Id definitely say bread and butter.

DR: If you were stuck on an island, what three things would you bring?
TT: I love survival shows!!  I think I’d take a hatchet, a pot, and a water filter.  Duh!

DR: Do you have any hidden talents?
TT: I can play with energy.  I can feel it, generate, channel it.  I can also make lumpia, which is basically a superpower.