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What You Need to Know About Facial Toning

By: Melissa Federico, Licensed Esthetician and Beauty and Fashion writer

As fall approaches, it reminds us that change can be beautiful, but the feelings you may have over falling leaves may not be the same for the falling muscles in your face. Seventy percent of aging is based on how you treat your skin. The rest is genetics. In this generation of immediacy and quick fix solutions, preventative treatments are more important than ever to keep skin firm, plump, and naturally in place.

So, how do you achieve successful and lasting results? Since everyone has a smartphone and an opinion, it can be hard to decipher the hit from the hype. Following advice from your favorite influencers may seem a lot easier than seeking professional expertise, but it all depends on your preventative aging strategy.

For short-term results, makeup has always been the easiest way of tricking the eye and sculpting the face. This trick may not be so much of a treat when all that work comes off in an instant. Most of us do not have access to a professional glam squad prepared to ‘beat our face’ either. This has made way for inexpensive alternatives to achieve results. Things like facial tape and facial rollers, have recently seen an uptick in popularity, but buyer beware.

Jade rollers are pretty and advertised everywhere, but the promises of clear skin and smoothed out wrinkles fall short. These stone tools are not much better than a traditional facial massage. Your skin may stand a better chance in the hands of a regular skin specialist.

At least, that’s what Danielle Marquez, LE (Licensed Esthetician) and founder of Enlightened Skincare Advanced Esthetic Counseling in Sacramento believes. From launching to diving into holistic skincare in Australia, Danielle has over twenty years of experience in the industry. She does not discount the benefits of a good old-fashioned facial massage but she explains that there is more to it for long-term results, “Manual lifting and toning via massage is very healthy for the skin but only lasts for a very brief time of perhaps a few hours or days.” Her suggestion for lasting results: microcurrent.

“My professional recommendation after twenty years of research would be Neurotris microcurrent made famous by celebrity esthetician, Tarin Graham. Microcurrent is the single most effective modality to lift, tone, and penetrate professional products (into the skin). Clients will see dramatic lifting and toning immediately following the facial.”

Tarin Graham doesn’t play around when it comes to monthly treatments, “I do full facials once a month, which consists of microdermabrasion, photo facial, microcurrents, and an oxygen treatment.” Tarin’s client list includes Madonna and Paris Hilton. Before you start pulling-up current pictures of Madonna, remember that she is now in her sixties. Her ageless face is proof that it takes professional treatments backed up with personalized guidance and aftercare to help make results last.

“Neurotris has made a dent in the industry as its very strong, easy to use with their fork facial apparatus, and not a long treatment is required,” says Danielle. You don’t have to be a Grammy-award winning artist to get results in as little as a lunch hour – why not let someone else do the heavy lifting for you?

Now before you are tempted to browse Amazon for a cheaper at-home alternative, Danielle warns that most hand-held machines that are available have low outputs that leave users restless for results.

“They require several treatments per week, depending on the goal, age, skin, condition, etc. and most consumers won’t know this and just give up.” While these machines have made it affordable to work on skin at-home there is a reason professional treatments will set you back time and money: they deliver the real results at the hands of a trained skincare professional.

If you can’t see yourself making a monthly facial appointment, incorporating spa tools into your routine at home can be an option. If you ever had a facial where you felt a zap from a glass orb – it was from the electrical current and oxygen emitting benefits of the high frequency machine. High Frequency machines will not help the underlying muscle stay in place like microcurrent, but it is a nifty way to treat acne and smooth pores. You can add a smaller user-friendly version to your routine for under forty dollars, but much like the jade roller, its more show than substance.

Aging gracefully shouldn’t involve invasive procedures – or needles. Microcurrent may only be available in the professional spa right now, but this method is so effective and sought after that we are soon to see technology that bridges the gap for an effective at-home device. Until then, it may come down to budget or commitment. Either way, it’s important to keep everything in place for the journey ahead, and let’s face it, we all want to look good when we get there.

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