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Sacramento Zombie Walk

This year we got the chance to perform SFX makeup services for the West Campus High School Marching Band for the 16th Annual Sacramento Zombie Walk. We love any chance to break out liquid latex and fake blood but before we did, we wanted to make sure our students were prepared to transform 70+ band

Barber Life

We first started our barbering program 3 years ago. Since then we have had over 60 students graduate. But where do they go after school? Our barbering alumni are doing everything from working in a shop, to running their own! One local barbering shop has 5 Federico alumni working in his historic barbershop. Dave’s barbershop

Shaved hair designs

 We have some seriously talented barbers enrolled at Federico Beauty Institute doing hairstyle’s we would’ve never imagined you could achieve with just clippers! One barbering trend that has seemed to grow in popularity the last few years is shaved hair designs. Shark hair design done by alumni Keith Zagg One of our first times seeing shaved

New Barber Transfers

Our first class of licensed cosmetology students started in our Barber program this week! They will be attending for 240 hours in order to receive their Barbering license. The program consists of training in straight razor shaves and classic to contemporary Barbering techniques. It builds upon the knowledge they already have as experienced Cosmetologists and tailor